Whip together softened butter and miso paste with electric beaters. Add sesame seeds and whip again.
To wrap butter in nori paper, scoop 1/3 whipped butter and shape into a log along the length of the nori. Roll into a cylinder, dampening the edge of the nori with water to hold together.
Wrap miso butter log in cling film and refrigerate until needed. Reserve remaining butter to brush onto lobster tails.
Heat oven to 275°C on grill setting.
Rest lobsters on the bench allowing them to come to room temperature for 20 minutes prior to cooking.
To prepare lobsters, remove the top half by firmly twisting the tail and carapace in opposite directions and pulling apart. Discard the head and trim off the neck flesh at the top of the tail to neaten.
Reserve that meat for another dish. Now using sharp kitchen scissors, snip the shell centrally along the back of the lobster until you reach the end of the tail. Gently prise apart the shell a little to reveal the meat.
Melt 4 tablespoons of reserved miso butter and brush the lobster flesh liberally with melted butter, spooning some gently into the split in the shell.
Sit the lobsters on foil on a tray. With an additional four squares of foil, cover the lobster fans completely to prevent them from burning. Place the tray of lobsters on
the highest shelf in the oven and cook for 8-10 minutes. The shells should be bright orange and starting to char in some places when ready.
Remove from the oven and rest for five minutes before serving on a platter with extra miso butter and Bok Choy.
Whilst lobster is cooking, prepare Bok Choy. Heat pan or wok on high and drizzle with sesame oil. Add Bok Choy and soy sauce, toss to quickly cook through (3 minutes or until stalks begin to soften).
Remove from heat onto a serving plate and scatter with spring onions, chilli and lime wedges.
0 servings